
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

An update on progress at the allotment

Picture taken February 27th 2011

It has been a while since I posted to my blog, but here is some pictures taken at the end of October 2010
as you see Derek has been busy creating some raised beds and has put in a small pond and I have been busy digging, I have dug out all the couch grass and weeds, we've weed suppressed the paths and put some wood chippings down, now most of the beds are are covered over to suppress the weeds coming back (yet). I have planted some onion sets, garlic and a couple of gooseberry bushes.


Allabitrandom said...

Seriously IMPRESSED! Well done.

The Sassy Spinner said...

What a difference, you must be really plerase with your efforts

Fibrefrog said...

Thanks, yes we are pleased, and what's more we have both enjoyed doing it, Derek has enjoyed the construction and sourcing of all the raised beds, and I know it sounds strange but I have enjoyed the digging and clearing weeds to get it ready for this years planting.