
Sunday, 28 February 2010

27th February Spindyeweavers meeting

I had a fantastic day Yesterday, for one is was my birthday and the other it was the monthly meeting of Spindyeweavers.

We had a "Monkey see Monkey do" Demo by Shani on how to use the three Primary colours and then by adding black and chestnut to them create secondary colours.
We all used the same prime colours then added/mixed them with the black or chestnut to create our own themes. My aim was for the colours of leaves from season to season, summer to autumn. I have to say that I was pleasantly pleased with the outcome, but would have preferred a little less brown.

Here is the painted roving 56's English Top superwash before setting the dye in the microwave.

and here is the finished roving.

1 comment:

Shani said...

I love these colours - it was a good day wasn't it...
